What Will Happen if You Drink Beer Everyday
Here's What Happens When You Drink Beer Every Day

According to a recent study, the preferred alcohol among Americans — 63 perfect of whom drink alcohol — is, perhaps unsurprisingly, beer (via USA Today). Of American drinkers, 42 percent of them consider beer to be their favorite alcoholic beverage.
Moderate alcohol consumption in the United States was recently redefined as having one drink daily, which translates to one 12-ounce beer (via The New York Post). Of course, there are certainly those who would disagree that a daily drink is "moderate," but that's the definition we'll be working with.
Moderate beer consumption can have a host of health effects, though surprisingly, not all of them bad. Here's what happens if you drink beer every day.
Your skin could benefit

According to Bon Appetit, hops, one of the primary ingredients used in brewing beers, especially bitter ones such as India Pale Ales, have anti-inflammatory properties (via Healthline). Hops is a known psoriasis treatment (via Aura Spa). Prague's (in)famous beer spas take beer skincare to the next level — you'll soak in Czech lager in a wooden tub positioned next to your own private tap, allowing you to drink all the beer your heart desires (via TripAdvisor).
Meanwhile, malt, a compound found in beer, helps to improve circulation, and stabilizes collagen, the most abundant protein in the body (via Healthline), which keeps your skin feeling firm and helps it to retain its structure. It's worth noting these benefits are enjoyed only with topical application, not by drinking a beer.
You might grow a spare tire

The possibility of acquiring a beer belly if you drink beer every day seems almost too obvious to mention. Almost. The fact is, men are more likely to grow a beer belly than women are since the belly is where male fat tends to accumulate. This unsightly paunch is caused by taking in more calories than you burn (via Web MD). Given the fact that a beer has around 150 calories, a night out at the pub with more than moderate drinking can result in quite a few calories on top of whatever you've had to eat that day. Light beers are a popular substitution, but given the fact that they tend to have calorie counts around 100, it's not a huge difference.
The carbonation in beer can also lead to a temporary "swollen" beer belly since the bubbles in the brew can cause gas and bloating (via Insider).
You could strengthen your bones

Beer contains dietary silicon, which is an essential mineral in bone growth (via NBC News). It also helps in the development of connective tissue and can cut down on the risk of developing osteoporosis (via Web MD).
A study reported that while there is no recommended daily intake amount for silicon, beer contains between 6.4 and 56.5 milligrams per liter, and that is just how much researchers advise to see a bone health benefit. Meanwhile, in 2009, a study also found that older adults, both male and female, who drank two alcoholic beverages daily, including beer, had a higher hip and spine mineral density than those who didn't partake, and were less likely to suffer hip fractures (via Healthline).
It could help you live a longer life

Beer's alleged longevity properties are perhaps best known when it comes to a woman named Mildred Bowers from South Carolina, who credited living to 102 to having a pint of beer every day (via The Independent). But the evidence isn't just anecdotal when it comes to beer being linked to longevity. A study carried out by a university in the Netherlands suggested that men who drank two pints of beer every night were 2/3 more likely to live to the age of 90 compared to people who didn't drink (via The Times of India). Notably, this wasn't a study that just tracked a couple of beer lovers either— it studied the drinking habits of 5,500 people over the course of 20 years.
In the end, as long as you consume beer in moderation, you can enjoy some of the associated health benefits — but you may also earn yourself a beer belly.
What Will Happen if You Drink Beer Everyday
Source: https://www.mashed.com/234465/heres-what-happens-when-you-drink-beer-every-day/
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